To securely access the Bühler Insights Platform API, you must authenticate your requests using an access token. This authentication method ensures that only authorized applications can interact with the API, protecting your data and maintaining the platform's integrity.
The access token must be included in the "Authorization" header of your API requests, using the "Bearer" prefix.
Example of a cURL request to the specified URL with a Bearer Authorization header:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
This would result with the following HTTP 1.1 request:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Each clientId is linked to a single plant. To access data from multiple plants, request multiple access tokens, each corresponding to its clientId.
Client Credentials Grant Flow¶
To authenticate with the Bühler Insights Platform API as a service, you can use the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Flow to obtain an access token. To use this flow, you need to request a clientId and a clientSecret from the Bühler Insights Support.
participant Developer
participant Support as Bühler Insights<br>Support
participant Client as Client Application
participant AAD as Azure Active<br>Directory
participant BühlerInsightsAPI
Developer ->> Support: Request clientId and clientSecret
Support ->> Developer: Provide clientId and clientSecret
Developer ->> Client: Adds clientId, clientSecret, scope, and tenantId
loop Multiple API Requests
loop Refresh Token before expired
Client ->> AAD: Sends token request with clientId, clientSecret, scope, and tenantId
AAD ->> Client: Return access token
Client ->> BühlerInsightsAPI: Send API request with access token in Authorization header
BühlerInsightsAPI ->> Client: Return API response
AAD Tenant Details¶
Enviornment | TenantId | ClientId | ClientSecret | Scope |
UAT / Testing | 8788d70f-c124-404f-ad73-367d4845779f | Provided by support | Provided by support | |
PREP | ec64c433-1ee8-4dbd-837a-39f56c7cdcea | Provided by support | Provided by support | |
DEMO | 457d6378-a484-4825-b24f-8ee32b9fe7b0 | Provided by support | Provided by support | |
PROD | ec64c433-1ee8-4dbd-837a-39f56c7cdcea | Provided by support | Provided by support | |